
10 Free Ways to Take Care of Mama (or Papa) Bear

By Laurie Corbett, Publisher Mom, South Shore Boston March 15, 2016
Taking care of yourself doesn't need to take a lot of time, or money. But it does mean that sometimes you choose to do something for yourself before choosing to take care of someone else. As parents, we all are masters of taking care of others, but you can't pour from an empty cup. Sometimes we need to remember to stop and do things that make us happy and recharge ourselves. Here are a few suggestions for recharging that won't cost a lot in time or money. 
  1. Call a girlfriend, a parent, or a sibling just to say hi!
  2. Take a free intro class in something you have always wanted to learn more about. Some craft and home improvement stores offer free workshops.
  3. Lock the bathroom door. (This may sound simple and even silly, but the other day I asked my husband why the kids always interrupt me in the bathroom and not him. His simple answer was "I lock the door". Duh! Why didn't I think of that!)
  4. Take a bubble bath, or a shower that lasts more than five minutes.
  5. Read a book without pictures, or a magazine, or the newspaper. Read something just for you! 
  6. Go to bed! Sleep is essential to staying healthy and getting enough sleep plays into our stress levels. Know how much sleep you need to feel good and try to get it every night. 
  7. Go for a walk - around the block, down the street, on the beach, or at a park. Even if it is just for five minutes it will get you moving, your blood flowing, and you'll some fresh air. 
  8. Take a nap. I know this is almost impossible most days, but on weekends if your kids are busy with another adult, at a friend's house or your little ones are napping, you can take a short little snooze.
  9. Use that beauty product someone gave you and you have been saving for a special treat. It's not a treat if you don't ever use it!
  10. Get up a few minutes early for some quiet time. 
What's your best FREE way you take care of yourself?